Saturday, May 14, 2005

5/14/2005 01:54:00 PM

my new old friend

still jobless...still very very jobless, but i have my health. after dealing with a lawyer, asshole relatives, and auctioneers, i'm happy to be having a night to myself in sioux falls. i was cordially invited to a bday party tonight, by a girl. i've known sarah since my freshman year, then lost touch with her over the last few years, then she just appeared one night, it's weird how that works. anyways, she rocks. my tattoos are still sore, it annoys me to no end. good news on the farm front, i think we might be able to cover the $90,000 debt that are father left behind, by selling everything, farmland, house, childhood memories. this last week, an extreme rollercoaster of emotions, i caught myself blowing up and punching walls and then crying on the phone with my mom. it's a fucking mess. he killed himself and left behind piles and piles of paperwork such as disability rejections, bills, insurance papers, etc. he also left 80 acres of land, 6 head of cattle (which sold for 800 a head), machinery, and anything worth selling so we can take care of things. part of me is just worn out, part of me is angry at him for doing this to us, part of me is sad and part of me blames myself for not being a better son (this is a small part). so i guess, this is how all people deal with a suicide.


Quote of the moment

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned.

People who have taken a chance with me

jaily brokenstein
The House Blog

my hiding places

artist direct
Life's Greatest Mysteries
my own personal hell
i'm a

a look into the world from the quiet guy

There are times in your life when you sit up at all hours trying to duct tape the pieces of your life back together.

This blog is meant for that.

recent rants

memorials ::: voices from the past ::: a new life? ::: unraveled ::: crossroads ::: looking at a 7 am winter scene at 2:47 at night ::: epiphany ::: night of shame = day old casey doughnuts ::: things i've learned from retail ::: home is where my bed is... :::

past rants

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: July 2005 ::: August 2005 ::: September 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: December 2005 ::: January 2006 ::: February 2006 ::: March 2006 ::: July 2006 ::: September 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: February 2008 ::: June 2009 :::

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