Monday, February 04, 2008

2/04/2008 07:10:00 AM

my triumphant return

Ok, i haven't wrote anything for months, not since this summer, my escapism pretty much cut off all originality, and a lot of needed dreaming, so now i'm gonna make a go at this again...this blogging.
First things first, let's get a few things straight.
I hate the term "blog."
I rarely censor myself, or hold punches. if i have an idea, emotion, or rant to convey...i don't stop myself. (but if any reader has a problem with this, i'll take suggestions on how to fix it).
I have the tendency of sounding like i'm really down or depressed, i'm usually not, I just write to make myself feel better. It works better than anti-depressants, trust me.
ok, now...

I'm in sioux falls....again.
The weather sucks, friends are few it seems.
Ever get the feeling of uncertainty? I'm getting that again...I have to quell that uprising if i ever plan to graduate. School...meh, it's there, i get to play catch up...yay.
It's snowing out there, those big snowflakes, to me, big snowflakes are always a sign of some lurking doom or horrible events. The last time i saw huge snowflakes...a friend died.
I like this facebook thing...kind of. It's nice to see everyone's on their chosen paths...and that's great. But i feel so far away from that life. That life when all i did was sit at home, and type on messenger. Now, it feels like i've left all those friends behind. At one point I felt like a pillar to everyone, now i'm just a painting on the wall, keeping my distance from people. What happened to me?
In my mind, I keep coming across one of those forwards someone once sent me, about people coming in and out of your life, some leave a mere trace of themself in your life...some stick with you forever.
I'm wondering if those friends i promised that i'd be with forever...were the mere trace afterall.
I'm supposed to have class in 2 and a half hours, but due to the fact i haven't slept yet, prob not going to happen.


Quote of the moment

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned.

People who have taken a chance with me

jaily brokenstein
The House Blog

my hiding places

artist direct
Life's Greatest Mysteries
my own personal hell
i'm a

a look into the world from the quiet guy

There are times in your life when you sit up at all hours trying to duct tape the pieces of your life back together.

This blog is meant for that.

recent rants

The Homecoming ::: It's been too long... ::: my triumphant return ::: my retrospect ::: my return ::: my disconnection ::: my frustrations... ::: i fucking tried ::: my new life ::: We're out there having fun, in the warm California... :::

past rants

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: July 2005 ::: August 2005 ::: September 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: December 2005 ::: January 2006 ::: February 2006 ::: March 2006 ::: July 2006 ::: September 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: February 2008 ::: June 2009 :::

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