Saturday, October 16, 2004

10/16/2004 03:40:00 AM

i hate this state

right about now, i hate alot of things. usually this time of year is my favorite. but this time, just sucks. being home just makes me more depressed, i met up with the ex tonight, i'm a glutton for punishment-it always seems awkward, but when there's no one else-it doesn't matter. my bro is locked up in the state hospital for killing himself because of worthless friends and an even more worthless father. sometimes, one can't help feeling alone in the world. like no one gets you. the only reason i want out of this state (besides the constant redneck persuasion and the "get er done" lifestyle they lead) because there's no one for me. sure, i have friends, but it just seems there has to be something more than this. working dead end jobs for next to nothing, my mom works more hours than i do, fuck best buy.
i know, i sound depressed, but i can't help it,it's just this time of year. at least it's not winter yet. the pan was great in yankton tonight, saw a bunch of people and i actually LEFT when the bar rush hit, nothing worse than seeing people in their 30's reliving their frat and high school days. they're like the guys in high school that drove camaros and played football, now they're working at car washes and other wastes while their successful classmates are in suburbia with their suv's and soccer nazi children. people are boring, haha.
link of the day, there's a ton of great stuff off of there. otherwise than that, tv seems interesting, so does random internet browsing. keep reading, i'm bound to be interesting sooner or later.


Quote of the moment

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned.

People who have taken a chance with me

jaily brokenstein
The House Blog

my hiding places

artist direct
Life's Greatest Mysteries
my own personal hell
i'm a

a look into the world from the quiet guy

There are times in your life when you sit up at all hours trying to duct tape the pieces of your life back together.

This blog is meant for that.

recent rants

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